Did you know….

Each year, the U.S. generates around 60 million metric tons of e-waste. Only 17.4 percent is recycled while the remainder ends up in a landfill. E-waste is a term utilized for obsolete electronics. The term covers a large scope but is usually associated with computers, laptops, printers and other “technology”.

Unfortunately, some of these items could be reused, repurposed or simply recycled appropriately. It is always unfortunate when a device is trashed when someone else could have benefited. Additionally, a large number of these items have parts or metals that could be harvested for reuse. Long term effects from e-waste in landfills include space, and potential toxins leaching into the groundwater. Recycling e-waste options are available to us locally here in Rockport and Aransas County.

The Dell Reconnect program is project created by Dell Computers. They have partnered will Goodwill Industries to create a recycling program. Dell Reconnect is a residential computer recycling program that offers you an easy, convenient, and responsible way to recycle your used computer equipment.  Drop off your working or non-working computers (any brand) and computer accessories at any Goodwill South Texas donation station. Whatever parts cannot be reused or refurbished will be broken down securely and recycled responsibly, through Dell, so that their valuable materials can be reprocessed to make new products.

It’s free and you’ll get a receipt for tax purposes. What’s more, you’ll be helping protect the environment and benefiting your community at the same time.

A local business helping the environment is Tech Time, yes the one in the train. Tech Time is known as our local computer fixit shop but they are so much more, they are a valuable resource to our community. Tech Time will help you to recycle your old computer and accessories. They use environmentally friendly processes to reuse, refurbish, and recycle every part of the machine. Tech Time will also go the extra step for security purposes, and help make sure any data on your recycled computer doesn’t become a security risk.

Please consider using one of these very valuable local resources when doing your spring cleaning or fall spruce up. Also watch the KACB event calendar to see when we team up with these resources and create a drive by computer turn in or other incentive for you to give up that old stuff and do it like a rock star.

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